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Simlog Blog

Simulation for training, as we know it today, began back in 1934 when Ed Link sold his “Pilot Maker” to the (USA) Army Air Corps to help train people to fly the first airplanes. But simulation for training people to operate heavy equipment in forestry, construction, mining, and material handling, continues to be something “new”, and so this blog is meant to help you learn more.

The fact is, after almost 25 years as Simlog’s President (and Founder), and 15 years of work before that in engineering and university research, I’ve developed a unique perspective on what’s really important (and what’s not), and so I hope that you’ll find these entries informative.

Paul Freedman, Ph.D., P. Eng.

May 18
What does it mean to develop a skill, and go from "novice" to "expert"? In the world of heavy equipment, that partly means memorizing how to use levers, joysticks, steering wheels, pedals, etc. in a coordinated way to make things happen.
May 17
The world is changing. Every day, you can see doughnut shops where there used to be farms. But why is this important for heavy equipment operator training?
Apr 20
It’s a true scientific breakthrough, based on research jointly conducted in Canada and Germany [Herholz et al. 2016].
Mar 23
Not everyone is born with the “musical ear” that a professional musician needs to have. Indeed, we all know someone who can't sing well; poor souls, they can practice forever (perhaps in the shower) and never improve.