Simlog Privacy Policy
Trust is the engine of commerce.
At Simlog, we believe that it’s important to keep private what is meant to be private. And that is why we describe here the information that we gather and how it is used.
Moreover, as a Canadian business operating in the Province of Quebec, we are obliged to respect the privacy guidelines of the LOI SUR LA PROTECTION DES RENSEIGNEMENTS PERSONNELS DANS LE SECTEUR PRIVÉ, the Loi 25 – Nouvelles dispositions protégeant la vie privée des Québécois, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, and Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation.
Finally, we also take into account U.S.A.’s CAN_SPAM Act and Europe’s new General Data Protection Regulation.
Simlog Software
When you install and use Simlog software, no Internet connectivity is required. This means that there is no communication with Simlog to inform us about what you are doing. And our software licensing requires no Internet connectivity.
Note too that your simulation results are always archived locally. Nothing is ever stored “in the cloud”, where it could be subject to cyber-theft or tampering. In this way, everything stays private and confidential, at your premises.
Simlog Web Site
When you visit our Web site, all documents are freely available for downloading (in PDF format) without any kind of Web site registration.
And Web site visiting makes no use of cookies, so you can even set your browser to block cookies. We don’t keep track of IP addresses either, and you won’t find any “auto-play” videos.
Practically, we only retain aggregated information about domain names, countries of origin, browsers used, devices used, and pages visited. For more information, please refer to our Web site terms and conditions.
Your Personal Data (email address, telephone number, etc.)
We collect email addresses only from people who send us email or complete a “Contact Form” on our Web site.
Regarding telephone numbers, if you call us or provide a telephone number as part of a “Contact Form”, then we’ll retain that personal data too.
Simlog News
We rely on “opt-in” (a checkbox on the Web site Contact Form) to make sure that when we send out email updates and news regarding our products, we are writing to people who want us to write to them. Of course you can “opt-out” at any time by contacting Simlog, or by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in our promotional messages.
At Simlog, all the personal data we collect remains confidential. It is never sold, and only shared with our duly-designated reseller working in your part of the world, for follow-up.
In addition, we take reasonable precautions to protect that personal data and ensure that it remains confidential. In particular, as previously mentioned, we store nothing “in the cloud” where it could be subject to cyber-theft or tampering. In this way, everything is secured behind multiple layers of security protection at Simlog (just like Simlog’s own confidential data). And we promise to notify you in a timely manner if that protection is ever breached.
Your Right to be Forgotten
You may, at any time, request that we delete all of your personal data that Simlog collected, just by contacting Simlog. And we’ll do our best to make that happen in a timely manner in order respect your “Right to be Forgotten”.
Questions? Please contact Simlog’s President, our responsable de la protection des renseignements personnels.