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Forklift Personal Simulator

Simlog’s Forklift Personal Simulator (Version 2) puts you at the controls of a typical sit-down, counterbalanced factory forklift with rear-wheel steering (also called ” sit-down rider truck”, “lift truck”, and “fork truck”) suitable for OSHA Class 1, 4, and 5 operator training programs.

We also have a Reach Lift Truck Personal Simulator and a new Standup Counterbalanced Lift Truck Personal Simulator so you can train people to operate three kinds of lift trucks with our help.

Scenarios are typical of transportation service centres, factories, warehouses, and distribution centers, with a wide variety of loads and storage arrangements, along with truck bays for loading and unloading and a flatbed truck outside.

Designed to provide even more flexibility when training operators with different levels of skill, Version 2 introduces new and modified Simulation Modules to encourage safer operation practices and maximize productivity.  The new modules feature exercises for driving in reverse with tall loads, and five new “Loading Docks” modules to work with loads of different sizes in double rows, and stacked and unstacked, to maximize cube utilization.

You can use three displays in front to create a field of view of 180 degrees, along with a fourth display behind, to teach people to turn their heads when backing up.

And unique to Simlog, all you need is one off-the-shelf computer! You can either use your own PC or choose the convenience of our PC bundle with the Simlog software already installed, licensed, and ready to go in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese.

Forklift Personal Simulator Replica Controls

Simlog’s Replica Controls for the Forklift Personal Simulator feature industrial strength components suitable for both table-top mounting and Simlog’s Operator Chair. If you are a Simlog customer, you may be able to re-use the Replica Controls that you already have.

Since typical forklifts are equipped with three or four levers, you will need to use three or four USB-ready Forklift Levers. (The fourth lever controls the separation of the forks so if you use three levers instead of four, the simulation software will change the separation of the forks for you.) Simlog’s table-top mounting brackets will bring the joysticks down from table-top height to the sides of an ordinary chair, to better mimic the positioning of real controls in the cabin of real heavy equipment.

To complete the Replica Controls, add add a commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) USB-ready steering wheel and “toe down” 3-pedal unit, along with Simlog’s Transmission Replica Control Lever suitable for many other Personal Simulators. (A COTS “shifter” can also be used.) 

arrow_bulet Possible Setups
Here are four possible arrangements, one with a single display in front, one with a first display in front and a second display in back (to teach people to turn their heads to look behind when backing up), one with three displays in front arranged side-by-side in landscape mode and a fourth display in the back and one with three displays in portrait mode in front and a fourth display in back.


arrow_bulet Custom Travel Cases for Replica Controls

For all setups, Simlog’s Custom Travel Case makes transportation easy.


arrow_bulet Key Features

  • Made-to-measure, with dedicated slots for levers, joysticks, pedals, steering wheel, and table-top mounting brackets
  • Space for a laptop PC, cables, and documentation
  • Pull-out handle, with multiple positions
  • Wheels (casters)
  • Cases are “stackable,” for easy transport.


arrow_bulet Specifications

  • Overall dimensions: 30″ (76cm) x 24″ (61cm) x 19″ (50cm)
  • Approximate weight: 50 lbs. (23 kg) when empty, up to 100 lbs. (46 kg) when full (depending upon the Replica Controls.)

Forklift Personal Simulator Operator Chair

Simlog’s Operator Chair with industrial controls offers a superior simulation experience to train forklift operators thanks to an authentic operator seat with consoles for the left and right hands, and an adjustable steering column. All are mounted on an industrial platform with casters, for easy portability.

Since typical forklifts are equipped with three or four levers, you will need to use three or four USB-ready Forklift Levers. (The fourth lever controls the separation of the forks so if you use three levers instead of four, the simulation software will change the separation of the forks for you.) The levers are mounted on the right console, using a special bracket. The industrial steering wheel is mounted on a column that telescopes and easily pivots to numerous angles. There is also a F/N/R Transmission Control Lever mounted on the steering column, like the controls of typical forklifts. The Operator Chair also includes three industrial pedals.

If you already have a Simlog Operator Chair that you are using with some other Personal Simulator, then you may be able to re-configure that Operator Chair by purchasing additional elements.



arrow_bulet Key Features

  • Authentic industrial operator seat, with headrest, air suspension, and seat-belt
  • Adjustable seat position (forward/backwards, three vertical positions)
  • Adjustable armrests (in height and angle)
  • Integrated consoles for Control Levers and viewpoint changing switches
  • Steering column that can pivot and telescope, with integrated transmission control lever
  • Fully functional industrial strength steering wheel and pedals
  • Five possible pedal positions, to create the typical placements found in real operator cabins
  • Steel platform with heavy-duty casters for easy portability


arrow_bulet Possible Setups
Here are four possible arrangements, one with a single display in front, one with a first display in front and a second display in back (to teach people to turn their heads to look behind when backing up), one with three displays in front arranged side-by-side in portrait mode and a fourth in the back, and one with three displays in front and a fourth display in back.


arrow_bulet Specifications

  • Overall Dimensions: L 60” (152.4 cm) x W 30” (76.2 cm) x H 47” (119.4 cm)
  • Weight: 385 lbs. (175 kg)
  • Shipping Dimensions: 67″ (170.2 cm) x 43″ (109.2 cm) x 44″ (118.8 cm)
  • Shipping Weight: approximately 550 lbs. (250 kg) One unit per skid, not stackable
  • 120 VAC/60 Hz, 220-240VAC/50 Hz


Vibration System

Vibration increases the realism of our Personal Simulators by adding physical (tactile) feedback to the audio and visual, making the experience more “immersive” at little additional cost, especially when compared to a motion platform.

The vibration that you feel is generated from the simulation software’s audio system as things happen. Engine idling, collisions with obstacles, digging virtual terrain, etc. can all be seen, heard and experienced! Adding vibration improves the realism of the simulation and makes the simulator-based training more compelling, encouraging trainees to be more serious and learn more carefully.

For our Operator Chairs, Simlog offers a vibration system that includes the “ButtKicker Simulation Kit” plus special mounting for the operator seat. The “ButtKicker” is a low-frequency sound transducer equipped with its own amplifier and “volume” controller to change the “force” of the vibration created by the simulation software sounds.


Multi-Purposing with Stand Up Lift Truck Personal Simulators

Practically, sit down (rider) lift trucks and stand up lift trucks are often found together, the first where the aisles are of standard width, the second where the aisles are narrow..

For that reason, some Simlog customers may want to create a multi-purpose simulation station to combine (sit down counterbalanced) Forklift Personal Simulators with Stand Up Counterbalanced Lift Truck and Reach Lift Truck, for training people to operate both kinds of lift trucks.

This means using the same PC, the same displays (it’s best to position them vertically in the “portrait” mode), the same speakers, and the same Simulation Manager.

After that, if you have Replica Controls for Forklift, then for stand up work, you will need a special tabletop mounting bracket to re-position the steering wheel and add a steering wheel knob to be able to turn the steering wheel with just the left hand, along with a Replica Control Joystick (we offer different models for horizontal or vertical positioning) and its tabletop mounting bracket for the right hand.

If instead you have an Operator Chair for Forklift, you will need to purchase new simulator controls for the stand up work.

Forklift Personal Simulator 

Simlog’s Forklift simulation software is configurable, to reproduce the many different kinds of real sit-down counterbalanced lift trucks. Three different power system options are available: Internal Combustion (gas-powered), and two versions of Electric. (Different simulator controls are required for each option, and the simulated forklift will also operate differently.) Use three or four levers, or even two joysticks, in addition to a steering wheel, transmission control lever, and pedals.

arrow_bulet Simulation Modules

  • Controls Familiarization
  • Slalom 1, for driving forwards with standard loads
  • Slalom 2, for driving forwards with oversized loads
  • Slalom 3, for driving in reverse with extra tall loads
  • Ramp Driving, for driving forwards and backwards up and down ramps, with and without loads
  • Loading Docks 1 – Loading/Unloading Single Rows
  • Loading Docks 2 – Loading Double Rows
  • Loading Docks 3 – Unloading Double Rows
  • Loading Docks 4 – Loading Double Rows, with Stacking
  • Loading Docks 5 – Unloading Double Rows, with Stacking
  • Loading Docks 6 – Loading, to Maximize Cube Utilization
  • Selective Pallet Racks 1 – Low Shelves, to work with loads lower down on the factory floor and the first shelf
  • Selective Pallet Racks 2 – Mixed Shelves, to also work with loads higher up on the second and third (top) shelves
  • Working with Drive-In / Drive-Through Racks
  • Working with oversized loads and Cantilever Racks and a Flatbed Truck, positioned outside

arrow_bulet Viewpoints from Inside and Outside the Cabin

For viewpoints from inside the cabin, the forklift mast and cabin frame can be displayed as either opaque (like a real forklift) or semi-transparent, to improve the visibility of the forks and the area in front of the forklift, including loads, racks, and obstacles. An “overhead map” presents the position of the forklift, the loads to be moved, and their target positions, to make it possible to plan the work to be done. You can even change the point of view during the simulation using buttons on the simulator controls, keyboard keys, or the PC’s mouse.

arrow_bulet Key Performance Indicators
Key “Performance Indicators” measure how quickly and how carefully the simulated work is performed. With 65 unique Performance Indicators, feedback is diagnostic, instead of just a consolidated pass/fail score. They include execution time, average and maximum driving speeds (forwards and backwards), measurements about how precisely loads are picked up and put down (errors in orientation, centering, etc.), and counting many kinds of collisions (forks, loads, shelves, etc.).

A variety of incorrect operating conditions will trigger “Procedure Errors”, such as driving “out of bounds”. Finally, conditions related to safety receive special attention: a forklift overturn condition, or a load falling from a pallet or a shelf, will trigger “Fatal Errors” and the simulation immediately stops.

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